Nirik is a small kreen village located just outside the influence of the city of J'eztere. Nirik is an imperial holding, a free city that belongs to no particular kreen nation, so visitors are very likely to find nearly all the species of kreen represented here. The population is mostly J'ez and To'ksa, which makes for a very interesting blend of lawful and chaotic tendencies, but the settlement has found a way to make the most of pack diversity.
Like other tohr-kreen dwellings, Nirik was built using the amber-like secretions of z'ock'n. Visitors will note that the structures are much more subdued than one will find in J'eztere or Thaythilor, with the intricate buildings staying much closer to the ground in a complex web of domes.
Population: 1,500 kreen from several nations.
- The Wanderer's Chronicle, page 101.
- Digital Wanderer web. Dark Sun map.