Dark Sun Wiki

The Ivory Triangle

Fort Fyra is the sole trading fortress of House Fyra. This small outpost is little more than a trading post at which those interested in trading for salt can meet with the merchants of the house. Most of the house staff and workers are employed in the slow, dangerous work of mining salt, so few house members are available to assemble traditional trade caravans. As a result, House Fyra is almost totally dependent on other houses caravans willingness to trade with them.

House Fyra is also a symbol of the hypocrisy of the city-states.


When Salt View first began to grow into a stable village, the oba Lalali-Puy and the Shadow King barred any house which traded in their cities from trading with this center of raiding activity. It serves no merchant's interest to trade with raiders. However, as Salt View began to show some promise as a legitimate trade partner, House Wavir of Balic ignored the ban. The houses based in Gulg and Nibenay obeyed the edict until Fort Fyra was established. The merchant houses who trade with Salt View through Fort Fyra maintain the polite fiction that the two are entirely separate entities. While House Wavir has been most forward thinking in their efforts to lead the ex-slaves away from their dependency of raiding, some other houses will trade with Fyra to the extent that it serves their own interests, and to the extent that it will protect their caravans from attack by the ex-slaves. The rulers of Nibenay and Gulg have authorized trade with Fort Fyra at the discretion of their Templars.
