Dark Sun Wiki

Dregoth of Giustenal, formerly the 3rd Champion of Rajaat. known as the "Ravager of Giants" whose Cleansing Wars (144th King's Age -3.531) raged across the lands, but were unsuccessful. The Sorcerer-King of Giustenal, known as the Dread King. Long thought dead, he now reigns as the undead king of New Giustenal.


For over a millennium he had toiled for Rajaat's cause by day while working to fulfill his own designs in the still of night. Long had he searched through the ancient sections of Giustenal, sifting through ruins and text from the earliest moments of the Green Age for the knowledge he desired.

Obsession with Godhood[]

Dregoth wondered why Athas had no dieties; obsessed with this question, he eventually discovered a method to become one himself, believing that upon fully transforming into a Dragon he would achieve apotheosis.

Champions turned traitors[]

His obsession eventually led to his downfall in 164th King's Age (-1.971) at the hands of Sorcerer-Queen Abalach-Re and other Sorcerer-Kings, one of the last times the Sorcerer-Kings allied under one cause. Once the common threat was dead, the Sorcerer-Kings returned to their city-states. 

Ascension into Lichhood[]

Absalom, once a human of Giustenal, was transformed into a Dray by Dregoth, who then killed him and raised him as the Dread King's new High Priest. It is because of Absalom that Dregoth still lives as a Lich-beast resembling a Dragon, who, while not a full Dragon, is still a formidable foe. Only Dregoth and Absalom know where Dregoth's phylactery lies.

New Giustenal[]

After his resurrection, Dregoth fled beneath the ruins of Giustenal to raise himself another army, new Dray created by their Dread King--New Giustenal Dray bred to seek vengeance upon those who prevented their creator from attaining Godhood and Dragonhood .

Status (5e)[]

  • Armor Class: 20 (natural armor);
  • Hitpoints: 540 (40d12+280);
  • Speed: 40 ft; fly 80 ft.
23 (+6) 14 (+2)

