Dark Sun Wiki
Dragons Bowl 01

Dragon's Bowl Map

A rumpled range of low mountains and highlands in the stony plains between Raam and Urik conceals a natural marvel: the Dragon's Bowl, a great cliff-walled crater more than seventy miles wide.

The view from its rim is awe inspiring, and nothing else in the Tyr Region matches its size and scope.

The Dragon's Bowl is an obstacle akin to the Ringing Mountains; sheer cliffs between 1,000 and 2,000 feet in height isolate its floor from the world outside. Only a handful of precarious trails descend the cliffs. The site takes its name from legends describing how the Dragon tore free from the world and left behind the deep crater to mark its birth.

The Dragon's Bowl has a strange stillness, as if the world holds its breath, awaiting the creature's return.
